Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cognitive Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare - 2500 Words

STUDENT DETAILS Name: Course: Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Counselling) ASSESSMENT DETAILS Unit/Module: Organisational Behaviour Educator: Assessment Name: Academic Essay Assessment Number: 1 Term amp; Year: Term 1/ Year 1 - 2012 Word Count: 1992 DECLARATION I declare that this assessment is my own work, based on my own personal research/study. I also declare that this assessment, nor parts of it, has not been previously submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications. I†¦show more content†¦There appears to be debate with regards to definitions of EI. Mayer, Salovey and Caruso (1997, as cited in Cherniss, 2010) model EI on the â€Å"†¦psychology of emotions, personality theory and mental abilities† (p.112) seeking to develop an original and different type of intelligence. In contrast, Boyatzis, Goleman and Sala (2004, as cited in Cherniss, 2010) characterise EI as encompassing emotional and social competencies related to workplace performance. However, Bar-On’s model of EI (1998, as cited in Cherniss, 2010) as emotional and socially competent conduct, enabling successful adaptation to the pressures and demands on one’s environment, would seem to lend itself most adaptably to health care administration. Dickens (n.d.) emphasises the limitations of IQ testing in a variety of areas due to its focus on geometry, mathematics and general knowledge. These include concerns of cultural bias resulting from limited access to knowledge, the effect of inheritable factors, gender differences and sensitivity to environment (Dickens, n.d.). Schmidt and Hunter (2004) also support limitations of IQ by suggesting that it may be less instrumental in job outcomes and performance where the variances of specific jobs are dependent on the type of organization involved. Schmidt and Hunter (2004) explain that although job description and skills are the same in some professions, they may differ between organisations by way of the criteria requiredShow MoreRelatedUsing Emotional Intelligence to Communicate in a Health Care Setting1161 Words   |  5 Pagesdiscussing how a healthcare worker uses emotional intelligence when establishing communication with a client in a health care environment, it is imperative to first have a clear understanding of what emotional intelligence is. Only then can we assess how it is used by a healthcare worker when communicating with client and its relevance in such a setting. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Internal Use Only Classification - 848 Words

Unit 1 Assignment 2: Impact of a Data Classification Standard Course Name amp; Number: NT2580 Introduction to Information Security Learning Objectives and Outcomes * You will learn how to determine the impact of a data classification standard on an organizations IT infrastructure. Assignment Requirements You are a networking intern at Richman Investments, a mid-level financial investment and consulting firm. Your supervisor has asked you to draft a brief report that describes the â€Å"Internal Use Only† data classification standard of Richman Investments. Write this report addressing which IT infrastructure domains are affected by the standard and how they are affected. In your report, mention at least three IT†¦show more content†¦1. User Domain- The User Domain defines the people in the organization that make up the network. Employees are responsible for the use of their assets. That responsibility is extended to the information that is classified as â€Å"internal use only†. This domain is affected in a few different ways. First, it forces the user to become aware of what they are sending through emails out to external addresses. Information that is classified as â€Å"internal use only† cannot be divulged in emails, texts, or over the phone. This is information that may or may not be classified that must not be seen beyond the confines of the company infrastructure. 2. LAN-WAN (Local Area Network to Wide Area Network) - This domain is where the IT infrastructure of the company is connected to the World Wide Web. The way this domain is affected could be better understood by looking at a few security risks that exist on that domain. The two that directly relate to this material is unauthorized access to systems, applications, and data and rogue users on the WAN gaining access to the system remotely. Those threats are constant in any situation, but when it comes to â€Å"internal use only† classified data, it is an enormous threat. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Public Services level Free Essays

We had our induction to the fitness training by doing a fitness test which tested our fitness before we started our fitness program to see where we were at tenets wise and for the test I did it in 19. 30 minutes which wasn’t that good at the time. So we started the program and firstly in our group we started doing upper body work which was fine, it did get tough in some of the exercises we did mainly because we tried to do much but luckily we didn’t get any injuries so we carried on with it and with that I noticed improvements in my upper body strength within that period of two weeks. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Services level or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also was working at that time so I would have gone In the gym more times but I could due to that but also because of where I work and the apartment I work In, you’re having to constantly take out cages and pallets, the cages can weigh up to keg and the pallets can weigh to keg and above and that also helped as well with Improving my body strength and fitness as well so that also helped. The strengths of this was that my upper body strength has improved and that I am able to do the same exercises quicker. And that I have got a better muscle definition now to my arms and shoulders now. The weaknesses of this was that I wasn’t able to come in any more due to engagements with work and also course work and rugby training. Also I was getting very fatigued with my upper body and I was getting the occasional strain which affected my performance at work and college. Improvements and changes to the fitness program: the improvements that I would make to the training program would be that I would Increase the frequency of the exercises such as do It more times a week If the time Is available to do so and that I would also add In more exercises to do to get the full benefit of the training to Improve the upper body strength. Overall I would add In more Interval training and probably also swimming as it helps your whole body. Week 3 and 4 we were doing lower body and leg training with this I didn’t notice much difference to my lower body strength. In my opinion the lower body exercises were harder to do than the upper body exercises because you couldn’t fit in much variety to it so you were having to mainly do the same exercise over and over but overall it wasn’t too bad and we got used to it over time and I noticed minor improvements overall such as better definition and strength overall. But the one thing I did notice was that I was constantly having to have help at work with pulling the cages out of the ware house u to leg fatigue and also during the leg exercises I kept on straining my groin and once I strained hamstring In my right leg. The strengths of doing this was that I got a minor Improvement In leg strength and also better leg tone. The weaknesses of this was that I was constantly straining my groin whilst doing the leg exercises which was very annoying and that I wish I got more out of this. Also that I was having to have to leg fatigue and also straining my groin. Improvements and changes to the training program: the way I would make changes to the lower body training would be that I loud add more variety and I would do more exercises because when I was doing the program I was doing the same exercises over and over and it got kind of boring, so I would add in other exercises such as squat thrusts and also I would add in sit up’s. Week 5 and 6 we were doing cardiac vascular fitness and of which I thought I got quite a lot out of it fitness wise and I noticed difference within my cardiac vascular fitness whilst doing any kind of fitness. With improving my cardiovascular fitness there is a lot of variety which makes it not boring because you’re constantly doing different activities which makes it interesting and doesn’t make you lose focus as easily And plus you can do fitness like farther and interval training on a public field which is easy enough. What I would change: well I wouldn’t change much to the fitness program itself but I would try to space it out more evenly and not put it all in so closely and I would also do more training the next time I was going to do the fitness program which would improve my overall fitness a lot more. But the one thing I do lack a lot of is stamina, say that you are physically fit but you get out of breath quickly but you’re till able to carry one though. The strengths of the fitness program was that over the two weeks my fitness did improve quite a lot which means that I was able to keep up with my rugby colleagues whilst at training doing touch rugby and other activities. The weaknesses of this program was that I didn’t do enough fitness during the week outside of college so I didn’t get the maximum out of it but if I had done fitness outside of college I would have become a lot fitter and would have been able to do a lot more fitness wise but I did get a lot fitter from the fitness program. The end of the tenets program, after the 6 weeks of training upper body, lower body and cardiovascular fitness training I have found noticeable differences/improvements in all areas that I trained. Since starting the fitness program I was back into rugby training and I have started playing again which is all good and I think if it wasn’t for the six week training program I think I wouldn’t have been able to cope with the needs of rugby. At the end of the six week training program we had a fitness test which was the same as the one we did at the start of the test, when I first did the test I did it in 19 minutes 30 seconds and when I did it the second time at the end of the fitness program I finished it in 16 minutes 30 seconds which is a huge difference than when the first time I did it which shows that my overall fitness and strength has improved which is a good thing because that’s what I set out to achieve which is a good thing. Also whilst doing the fitness program I have been taken off one of my inhalers for my asthma which is very good which means that my asthma is going and also once it all goes I should have a better chance to get into other public services ouch as the navy. Targets for the future: my targets are that I would go swimming, even though I’m not the best of swimmers I can improve and with swimming its improves your whole body muscular wise and improves your fitness a lot and as I got approached by Cleveland second team players saying that I should play for them at the beginning of the new season and they said I probably would be playing at blindside flanker for them and I Just think that’s brilliant but I would have to get lot fitter to do so. Also I will be planning to start boxing training again to get my I know the owner he would probably make me exercise like a dog and when I have spare time during the week or preferably in the morning I would possibly go on runs and set a benchmark time and each week I would try and improve it every week then getting onto a certain time. Http://www. Swimming. Org/swimsuit/why-swimming-needs- to-be-part-of-your-lifestyle/ Conclusion: In this piece of work I have evaluated my performance in the six week training programming and have included my strengths and weaknesses and also I have talked about before and after the training program and what’s happened since then. How to cite Public Services level, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Buying vs Leasing free essay sample

What would be the best option for a company to lease or purchase equipment? Each business owner’s situation is different. The decision to buy or lease business equipment is unique. It must be made on a case-by-case basis. Leasing equipment preserves capital giving the business more flexibility. While leasing can be good in the short run it can cost you more in the long run. We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of leasing. My research will look at the different options a company faces if they lease or buy and why it has become more attractive to lease. First let’s start by describing the basic concept of a lease. Some leases are merely rentals, whereas others are effectively purchases. FASB classifieds lease as an operating lease or a capital lease. A lease must meet one of the following criteria’s to be considering a capital lease. The lease is greater than 75% of the property’s estimated economic life, the lease contains an option to purchase the property for less than fair market value usually at a bargain price, ownership of the property is transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease term, or the present value of the lease payments exceeds 90% on the fair market value of the property. The lessor transfers the right to use the property to a lessee. Lessor is the finance company and lessee is the person leasing. The lessee makes one-time or periodic payments to the lessor in return for the use of the property. Leased asset can either be tangible property such as a home, office, car, airplane or computer. If you run a business and have to decide to lease or buy here are some benefits of leasing to consider. Less cash up front means conserving capital. A lease can also provide services to the equipment by giving it maintenance. Lease payment terms tend to be longer which makes payment more attractable. The ability to upgrade equipment is a benefit in growing businesses that need to keep up with technology. One advantage of leasing business equipment is that it allows you to acquire assets with minimal down payment or no down payment at all. This is good to your cash flow. The more cash your company shows and has makes it more attractive to its investors. Lessor has certain roles, they are customers to the manufacturers, and they are customers offering a crucial distribution. Leasing equipment provides he lessee with all the following benefits utilizing the equipment without having to pay the up-front costs or assuming the risk of ownership. A lease is one of the best ways for businesses to stay on top of the development curve. With so many new developments that occur specially in technology areas equipment leasing is less financially expensive. To the airlines they are a more affordable method of supplying what they need. While there continues to be turmoil in the financial markets commercial lenders focus premier on credits and a lot of the airlines won’t qualify to buy an airplanes. That is why leasing has become popular among the airline. The airlines are coming to the conclusion that it might be better for someone else to own the assets. Let’s take into consideration why airlines would lease its commercial jets. When making the decision to buy or to lease the company must consider financial implications and options including the value of the money. Operating leases are for terms shorter than expected life of the aircraft, and the asset typically need not appear on the balance sheet. A capital finance lease covers the useful life of the aircraft. A sale-leaseback arrangement involves purchase of the aircraft and use for a short period of time, followed by sale to the lessor who then leases the aircraft back. Airlines are more increasingly turning to operating leases to bear the risk of a slump. American Airlines is one example of having the flexibility of going bankrupt and tear up leases and return the planes back. While it makes sense for airlines to rent airplanes the case can be made in the opposite direction. Airlines can also be better off buying planes and keeping them for their full lifespan of 30 years or so. Like house, then, buying is cheaper than renting in the long term. While leasing has both advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at the disadvantages. The lack of ownership would be a main disadvantage. You are obligated to make payments and when a lessee encounters financial distress, the lessor typically becomes its largest creditor. If a lessor decides to reduce exposure and recall its leased aircraft, an airline can no longer operate. Lessors require payments for all aspects of airplane utilization and rent, meaning maintenance reserves and so on. The cash flow becomes much tighter while if they own their own jets they have much more flexibility. According to Boeings Zolotusky, it comes down to two basic considerations, the quality of the aircraft involved and the customer involved. Businesses can change operations and it may be expensive and difficult to terminate a lease before the end of the term. If the business owns the property it might be easier to sell and make money rather than losing all of its assets and getting nothing in return. In some cases of leasing when it’s time to renew the owners might demand higher rental payments putting the lessee at a disadvantage. Lessors offer a very sensible business proposition. For airlines that want to be primarily airlines, it’s a very attractive and efficient service. If the operators want to focus on the service of getting people on planes, they don’t want to focus on the business of asset ownership and management. Most states charge substantial sales or use tax on the purchase of or use of an aircraft’s. However in the case of leasing the aircraft the tax can be avoided entirely. An aircraft leasing company can create a win-win situation for both the aircraft investor and the State. The rules are good for the state because the state charge sales tax on interest payments, which would not be taxable. The tax deferral can have permanent benefits where as is often the case, the investor only holds the aircraft for a few years. However, if the investor uses a leasing company, the tax cost will be unchanged. The other advantage to using an aircraft leasing company is the resale exemption to purchase parts and labor tax-free. It would also reduce the risk of other states imposing a tax. Using the aircraft leasing company will not generate any negative FAA and income tax consequences. Income tax consequences can me more complex because of the special rules that apply to leasing companies, including the passive activity loss rules. One way to avoid this problem is by a leasing company which is a single member LLC owned by the user. The single user is ignored for tax purposes and treated as a separate company for sales tax purposes. However it may not be the case for all States. In conclusion aircraft leasing can save companies thousands of sales tax dollars. Being an owner of an aircraft can give you the right to depreciate it for tax purposes but only the interest, no principal will be deductible. While for some companies facing potential alternative minimum tax issues, a lease payment would fully be deductible. Lessors assume a residual value to the aircraft being leased; they can typically offer a lower rental payment. However to optimize the cash flow benefit, leases usually must be for a longer term. It not only allows more cash in your pocket but it can also your lines of credit open. Leasing can remove long-term debt from the balance sheet. Many lease agreements qualify as an expense, no debt. Companies like this because it makes the balance sheet seem more attractive. In the end I think airlines have fewer cost if they lease rather than buying their commercial jets. Leasing can also take away the financial burden of buying them and to provide temporary increase in capacity. My findings let me to the conclusion that leasing can be a better option for business owners. Owners can have more capital and grow more rapidly by leasing. While leasing businesses are generating revenue by benefiting from equipment. Lease payments are considered expenses rather than assets, which can offset revenue when calculating taxable profit at the end of the tax period. In the airlines case if they wish to grow they have more flexibility by leasing the aircrafts. Also, a company with international operations may have options, in terms of structuring the acquisition, that make the option of leasing more desirable option. Since the leases for aircraft typically offer a lower rental payment it can increase the airlines cash flow. Leasing can also help the airlines by keeping their credit open making it easier to borrow. Its relative easier to lease in the credit market than buy using the credit. A lot of airlines file for Chapter 11 and don’t have sufficient credit to borrow later on. Leasing gives them an option. In my opinion leasing is best option and offer many financial benefits. Your business can grow by leasing. It can help businesses safeguard cash flow by paying for equipment as it generates revenue. If the equipment gets outdated leasing gives businesses the option of updating it. Depreciation also is a major consideration. For assets that depreciate rapid due to wear and tear or through becoming obsolete leasing can prevent significant loss on value. Leasing could permit the use of the equipment while it’s new and then on completion of lease it can be updated or returned. Maintenance is also another advantage. Lessors try to give best maintenance since they are still the owners of the property. Leasing provides the flexibility to businesses that want to grow. It is why I conclude that leasing is the best choice in this competitive market place where technology is constantly changing and businesses must keep up with improvements to stay competitive. References Earl K. Stice, PhD: Intermediate Accounting:2010,2007 South-Western ,Cengage Learning The Economist Newspaper: The Economist, 2012,Buy or Rent? Pam Newman: Entrepreneur :2006 Leasing Vs Buying: Which is Best for You?